
Cleaning details from scale, lubricants and oxides is an important process that determines the correct performance of further processes, i.e. varnishing, painting or applying coatings.

In addition to chemical cleaning, which is often time-consuming, the process of cleaning oxide layers is performed by vibro-abrasive processing. The processing involves using machines such as round or trough vibratory machines or disc finishing machines, in which unnecessary layers, i.e. scale, rust, or other oxides are mechanically removed in the process of micro-cutting and abrasion by abrasive media.

Cleaning door handles from paint
Scale removal

Chemicals contained in the compounds, which are added to the process have a loosening effect on the oxide layer, weakening its connection with the metal. To remove oxide layers successfully highly machinable chips, such as ceramic or resin chips with higher machinability must be used .

Before processing
After processing

The cleaning process within vibro-abrasive processing also includes degreasing, which is carried out in the same way as other processes with the addition of a special supporting compound intended for this purpose.

Degreasing in the vibro-abrasive process