Medical industry

Manufacturers of medical devices and products such as prostheses, implants or dental instruments are subject to strict safety standards, so their production requires exceptional product compliance.

The main purpose of processing medical details in loose abrasive is to smooth and polish the surface. This facilitates subsequent washing and sterilization, preventing the “hiding” of residual contamination and the multiplication of bacteria in micro-irregularities. The surfaces of medical details should also be free of burrs and excess and have appropriately rounded edges.

Regardless of the materials used or the manufacturing method, precise finishing is required here in devices such as fast and effective disc finishing machines or delicate round vibrators.


Before and after treatment:

Processing time:

1 h


Disc finishing machine EC10 W

Processing time:

2 h


Disc finishing machine TE30

Processing time:

19 h


Round vibratory machine W50

Processing time:

22 h


Round vibratory machine W100

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