Avalon Machines

We are an unique company in Poland producing machines for mass surface finishing. Our devices perform the following processes: deburring, grinding, smoothing, polishing, degreasing, edge blunting, etc.

Within the last year we have served clients from over 20 countries, presenting our innovative solutions at prestigious trade fairs in many countries such as Poland, Italy, Germany, USA, India, Thailand.


years of experience


sold machines


in the world


made in Poland

What is the secret of our success?
Faith in values.

Avalon Machines was created out of passion for creating the simplest possible solutions that provide the best and long-lasting results. The well-known Polish innovation combined with the highest quality components and solid construction has made our machines boldly compete with others that have so far been considered synonymous with precision on the global market.

From an idea to the realization

We start from the scratch

Project development
From drawing board to 3D programs

Prototype production
Most parts of our own production

Research and tests
Everything must work smoothly

Production and assembly
By qualified specialists

Quality control
No compromises here

Marketing and sales
We attend exhibitions in whole world

Distribution and logistics
To distributors and individual customers

After-sales care and service
We provide know-how a and guarantee

Our laboratory                  for your needs.

Our devices are designed for mass processing, but the specificity of the customer’s needs is a very individual matter. Virtually every client works with  different elemants, from jewellery to many different branches of industry. Each workpiece requires matching certain technology to achieve the best possible result. That is why our research and development department, i.e. laboratory, is extremely important. Here we test hundreds of samples from our clients, matching each of them to the appropriate machine, settings, abrasive media and compounds. We look at the surface, examine the roughness, and conduct thorough analyzes so that our clients receive complementary solutions.


Liczba aktualnych ofert pracy.

Prowadzimy również otwartą, ciągłą rekrutację oraz prowadzimy program staży i praktyk zawodowych

Zobacz ofert pracy

Dołącz do nas!
Razem sprawimy, że
“Made in Poland”
będzie gwarantem

Szukamy ludzi z pasją, specjalistów i fachowców, którzy swoją wiedzą i doświadczeniem będą utrwalać i dbać o wysoką jakość naszych produktów. Szukamy ludzi energicznych, zdolnych, wykształconych, kreatywnych, którzy nie boją się nowych rozwiązań. Dokładamy wszystkich starań, by zapewnić stabilną, bezpieczną pracę, stwarzać możliwości rozwoju i podejmowania nowych wyzwań zawodowych.